De Westerstraat in Enkhuizen in Nederland.
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van Bleiswijk

Grand Café van Bleiswijk

Westerstraat 84-86

1601 AL Enkhuizen

Tel: (0228) 325909
Web access:
Recently we had our KPN HotSpot Acces Point installed. If you have a laptop or PDA equipped with a Wi-Fi network card you can surf our broadband Internet connection with ADSL speed, mail and download files. No wires or cumbersome instructions,
in four steps you have fast access to Internet.

Monday 11:00 - 0:00
Tuesday t/m Thursday 10:00 - 0:00
Friday en Saturday 10:00 - 1:00
Sunday 12:00 - 0:00

Kitchen opened daily 11:00
Week days till 21:30 Weekends till 22:00


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